Monday, October 26, 2009

2nd Street to Recovery

God's good. Ryder is doing great. His surgery went very well. This time he had a lot of work done but he's such a big boy that he was able to leave Cooks and go back to Harris without a breathing tube. Thank you everyone for your continued prayers and support. Next step is getting him home. All this will take is eating everything on his own. So lets pray that he gets as hungry as a Baptist leaving church.


  1. Steph's Mom and Dad (aka Mike and Linda) PRAISE GOD PRAISE GOD PRAISE HIM FOREVER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We and several in our church continue to pray for you all. Indeed these difficult days WILL turn even more wonderful. We are inspired by your faith and look forward to seeing Ryder when we visit our kids in December. Will continue our prayers.

  2. God is amazing, and you guys have faith that can move mountains. I am so grateful that His faith saw you through this trial...and CAN'T wait to meet this strong little boy of yours. My prayers will continue for the spiritual growth of your new family--and the God given ability of mothering for BethAnne!!!!! She is awesome, and I hope she never forgets how strong she really has been through this.
    With love,

    Amanda and Sean

  3. God is great and I know He will lead you three through this time. Trust in Him.

    BethAnne, we met at Josh and Kendra's wedding and I KNOW you are a great Mom. That precious big boy knows it too.

    Our prayers are with you all,
    Mark and Cathy Barnes
